World Population Day 2023

On the occasion of "World Population Day - 2023", Department of PG studies in Swasthavritta, JSSAMC, Mysuru has organized a guest lecture on 11th June at 10.30 am for the third year UG students, PG scholars and teaching faculty of the department.
Dr. Madhu. B, Professor, Department of Community Medicine & Deputy Dean (Research), JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research, Mysuru was the guest speaker.
Program was started at 10.30am by invocation by Miss Ashmitha. U and Miss. Sumedha Bhat of III BAMS students. Dr. P Sudhakar Reddy, Professor and Head, Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta welcomed the gathering. Dr. Krishnanunni, first year PG scholar, Department of PG studies in Swasthavritta introduced the guest speaker to the gathering.
Dr. Madhu. B spoke on the theme of World Population Day - 2023, “Unleashing the power of gender equality: Uplifting the voices of women and girls to unlock our world's infinite possibilities.” Speaker explained in detail about the effects of population explosion and importance of gender equality in making a better nation was also addressed. It was a very informative session benefited by more than 100 attendees.
Dr. Sarbeswar kar, Principal, delivered the Presidential address.
Department of Swasthavritta conducted various programs during the past 6 months and for which Prize winners were to be awarded. On this occasion, winners of various competitions were awarded for the same. Dr. Pooja Hassan. G, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta announced the winners of the Yoga Demonstration competition conducted on the occasion of International Day of Yoga 2023 and Drawing Competition conducted on the occasion of World TB Day 2023.
Dr. Shalini S, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta announced the winners of the Essay competition conducted on the occasion of World Milk Day 2023.
Dr.Sowmya. M.N, Reader, Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta announced the winners of the Quiz competition conducted on the occasion of World Malaria Day 2023
Dr. Sowmya. M.N, Reader, Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta rendered the vote of thanks.
Dr.Janavi, First Year PG Scholar, Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta mastered the ceremony.