Department Of PG Studies in Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana
Ayurveda Pharmaceuticals
About Department

Rasashastra and BhaishajyaKalpana( Ayurvedic Pharmaceutics) is a Branch deals with the Manufacturing of Different dosage forms of Herbal, Mineral and Herbomineral preparation. It also explains about the types, Characteristic features of acceptable variety, Properties, Pharmaceutical processes, Therapeutic indications of Rasa Dravyas.Description of various instruments and explains the process involved in the production of standard quality drugs to serve the humanity.
Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana Department is having fully established Museum and well equipped Teaching Pharmacy to teach the method of preparation of various dosage forms of Ayurveda and also modern dosage forms and its Standardization to UG students and PG scholars.
VISION: Establishing SOP for understanding the Rasadravyas and Aushadhi Kalpana
MISSION: Revalidation of Rasadravyas and Aushadhi Kalpana through Ayurveda as well as Modern Techniques