World Malaria Day 2023

On the eve of World Malaria Day 2023, Department of PG studies in Swasthavritta organized Quiz Competition to UG and PG students of JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru on 28-6-2023 on the topic- Vector Borne Diseases and Malaria. 54 students registered for the competition for whom preliminary written test was conducted on 20-6-2023
12 students qualified for the main Quiz round whom were divided in 6 teams with 2 participants in each team named as Ankle Biter, Zanzara, Nipper, Little Fly, Skeeter, Drill bug, Ankle bites. Quiz competition was conducted at 3.30pm on 28-6-2023 in Yoga hall. Total 05 Rounds were conducted for quiz- 2 regular round, visual round, Rapid fire round and buzzer round. To attract the audience of the quiz, there was even audience round after each round of quiz. The winners of the Quiz were Dr. Viashnavi, 3rd Year PG scholar, Dept of PG studies in Roganidana and Varshitha, from 3rd year BAMS and runner were Dr. Anusha, 2nd Year PG scholar, Dept of PG studies in Roganidana and Sapana, from 3rd year BAMS.
Quiz master was Dr. Pooja Hassan. G, Assistant Professor, Department of PG studies in Swasthavritta, JSSAMC, Mysuru. Dr. Shalini. S, Assistant Professor, Department of PG studies in Swasthavritta, JSSAMC, Mysuru was present in the event.
Dr. Sowmya. M.N, Reader, Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta co-ordinated the event.