World Health Day - 2023

On the occasion of World Health Day - 2023, Department of PG studies in Swasthavritta, JSSAMC, Mysuru has organized an awareness speech on 08th April at 11:30 pm for the fourth year UG students, PG scholars and teaching faculty of the department.
Dr. Smitha M C, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Medicine, JSS Medical College, Mysuru was the guest speaker.
Dr. Sowmya M N, Associate Professor, Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta welcomed everyone to the session. Keynote address was delivered by respected Principal, Dr. Sarbeswar Kar. Dr. Pallavi. S. L, firstl year PG scholar, Department of PG studies in Swasthavritta introduced the guest speaker to the gathering.
Dr. Smitha M C spoke on the theme of World Health Day - 2023, “Health for All". Importance of universal health coverage and facilities available to achieve highest degree of possible health were explained by the speaker. It was a very informative and interactive session benefited by more than 70 attendees.
Dr. Shalini. S, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta rendered the vote of thanks.
Dr. Gahanavi. C. V, Ist Year PG scholar, Department of PG Studies in Swasthavritta Mastered the ceremony.