Bala Bheshaja Series I Guest Lecture on “World Autism awareness Day”

Department of PG Studies in Kaumarabhritya organized a Guest Lecture on 06/04/23 on the occasion of “World Autism awareness Day” supported by Chetana Medicaments Pvt. Ltd. Aripra, Kerala. The program was introduced under the heading of ‘Bala Bheshaja Series I’ which is a set of programs related to childhood disorders. The first Guest lecture under this, was on the topic “ Recent trends & early identification & intervention in ASD” the program was arranged as mentioned below.
The Inaugural session started at 10:30 am with invocation by Dr Varuni Kulkarni 1st year PG Scholar followed by lamp lighting by the dignitaries. Dr Sarbeshwar Kar, Principal JSSAMC delivered the Inaugural address. Dr Srihari.S, Professor & Head, Department of PG studies in Kaumarabhritya welcomed the dignitaries and the gathering. Dr Jyothy K.B, Professor, Department of PG Studies in Kaumarabhritya gave a brief introduction about Bala Bheshaja series I and about ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).
The Guest speaker and the dignitaries were felicitated by Mr. K P Purushottaman, Managing Director, Chethana Medicaments Pvt. Ltd., Aripra, Kerala. Dr Preethi H.M, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Kaumarabhritya rendered the vote of thanks.
After a tea-break of 15 minutes, scientific session started with the guest lecture of Dr Suma R, Principal, JSS College of Speech and Hearing, Mysore. Dr Guru Bhagavathi, 1st year PG Scholar introduced the guest speaker to the gathering. Chairperson of the session was Dr Umashankar K S., Professor of Department of PG studies in Kaumarabhritya who was introduced by Dr Varuni Kulkarni, 1st year PG scholar. At the end of the session, as a token of love and respect from the institution, the guest speaker was felicitated by all the dignitaries.
Later Mr. K P Purushothaman [ Managing Director Chethana Medicaments Pvt. Ltd Aripra Kerala] briefed about Ayurvedic product updates of Chethana Medicaments after which he was felicitated by the dignitaries.
Dr Visal S Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Kaumarabhritya mastered the ceremony. Totally 150 delegates were present in the guest lecture including IVth BAMS Students, PG Scholars, and staff.
Program ended with delicious food.