Department of PG and Ph.D studies in Shalyatantra and Department of PG studies in Kayachikitsa JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru “VRUTTI DARSHAN 2022” CONSERVATIVE MANAGEMENT OF ARSAS, on 28th November 2022 at 2.15 pm for Final year UG students,Internees and PG scholars of all departments.
Inauguration of function was on 28TH November 2022.
To start with invocation was by Dr .Hamsaprabha Internee. Master of Ceremony was done by Dr.Sandhya Rani where Principal welcomed the chief guest of the day Dr.Rajneesh Giri,Prof & Head,P.G & Ph.D studies in Shalyatanta,SDM College of Ayurveda & Hospital,Udupi and all others gathered there. Introduction of chief guest was done by Dr. Aiyanna P.P,Reader Department of PG and Ph.D studies in Shalya tantra. The Chief guest Dr.Rajaneesh Giri spoke in detail of Arshas, Presidential Address was given by the Dean Dr.Rajesh Udapudi and Concluding remarks by Dr.Siddayya Aradhyamath ,Prof &HOD,Department of PG &Phd studies in Shalyatantra. Then the PG Scholars presented about Arshas regarding their respective departments.
Dr.Manasa Final year PG Scholar from the Department of Roganidana discussed about the causes of Arshas.Dr.Vijayalakshmi,First year PG Scholar ,Department of Rasasastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana spoke of the rasa aushadhies.
Dr.Abhishek ,First year PG Scholar from the Department of DravyaGuna spoke about the drugs which can be used in Arshas.
Dr.Shruthi Kumbhar ,First year PG Scholar from the Department of Prasootitantra evam Striroga discussed about the condition in which Garbhini or pregnant ladies get Arsas and their treatment.
Dr.Vidhyasree,Final Year PG Scholar detailed bout the pathya and Apathya to be followed by an Arshas patient.
The comprehensive line of management of Arshas was told by Dr.Shashikala,First year PG Scholar ,Department of PG studies in Kayachikitsa.
The Panchakarma procedures were mentioned in detail by Dr.Dhanashree ,First year PG Scholar from the Department of PG studies in Panchakarma.
Conservative Management of Arshas done in Shalyatantra was detailed by Dr.Preethi ,Final year PG scholar,Department of PG and Phd Studies in Shalyatantra.
The Resource person Dr.Dhyan Surendran was introduced by Dr.Aparna Unni,Assisstant Proffesor,Department of Roganidana.Dr.Dhyan detailed about the procedures done in Arshas.The resource persons from our college Dr.Gurubasavaraj, gave his expert opinions on the treatment of Arshas.There was a session on the medicines used in arshas by Dr.Hari Venkatesh,SRI Sri Tatwa R &D Head.
Vote of thanks was given by Dr.Siddayya Aradhyamath.