To Bridge the transition from Under graduation to Post graduation and mould themselves into new environment and specialty subjects by facilitating smooth and effective learning process are identified and incorporated into ‘SAMSKARA’-PG Orientation Program (Transformation to Proficient Scholar) as prescribed by NCISM. The program included subject areas like life skills, personality development, code of conduct, knowing the campus, presentation skills, knowledge of computer skills, entrepreneurship and future opportunities in the field of Ayurveda.
As per the directions of NCISM transitional curriculum with aim of making postgraduate scholars proficient with 360-degree approach and develop in their respective departments our Institution hosted ‘SAMSKARA’-PG Orientation Program from 2nd January to 20th January 2025.
Inaugural Ceremony was conducted on 02-01-2025 with Dr. Mruthunjaya. K, Professor, Dept. of Pharmacognosy, JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru who motivated students to come up with innovative research ideas in Ayurveda, stressed upon importance of traditional food and healthy lifestyle and its contribution in maintenance of health at its best. All new PG scholars were welcomed with a floral greeting by their seniors.
For the next 15 days, an expert panel of guest speakers shared their experience and enriched our new PG scholars regarding various dimensions of Ayurveda curriculum and academics with carrier guidance. The sessions were convened with suitable in house and external resource persons under the guidance of expert leadership of Principal Dr. Sarbeswar Kar, Dean Dr. Rajesh A Udapudi and PG Coordinator Dr. Beena. M. D.
- Niranjan murthy and Dr. Gururaj from Pentacare Pharmaceutical industry
- Manoj kumar Samantary Professor in RSBK From Sri Sri College of Ayurveda and Hospital, Bangalore spoke on carrier opportunities and motivated PG scholars
- Vinay, research scientist from KVK Sutturu, ICAR Spoke on Good agricultural practices (GAP)
- Mrutyunjaya swamy MD and CEO, Dr. Anitha bhat from Shatayu Ayurveda private limited spoke on Entrepreneurship in Ayurveda
- Majosh P Jolly an international speaker and alumni of our college joined us online from UK . Sir highlighted on globalisation of Ayurveda
- Sanghamithra Dash, director Ayur sure Ayurveda academy joined us and delivered motivational talk on carrier opportunities for Ayurveda scholars
- Venkatesh sir CEO AIMIT dealt about safety apps and cyber security safety.
Our esteemed inhouse faculties also delivered various lectures and oriented PG Scholars regarding Institution, hierarchy, Policies, Rights and Responsibilities, Hospital management system, Good clinical, pharmaceutical, laboratory Practices and Hospital SOPs.
The Valedictory function was held on Monday 20-01-2025. Dr. Dhanush S S Samskara Co-coordinator presented the report. Dr. Chandana shree Rao, Dr. Sangavi, Dr. Arfaath Ahmed and Dr Shridev shared their experiences of PG Orientation Program. Participation Certificates was handed over to all PG Scholars and Winners of various competitions like Journal presentation, Clinical case presentation, Seminar Presentation, Program documentation was duly honoured. Valedictory address was delivered by the Chief Guest Dr. V. M. Hugar, Professor, Dept of PG studies in Panchakarma, Govt Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru. The Orientation program ended with Group Photo with Chief guest and all HOD of the PG departments followed with Post-Test and Feedback to assess the knowledge gained by the program and also to know the views and suggestions of the scholars. Total 46 PG Scholars got benefitted by this orientation program.