JSS Ayurveda Medical College Organized “SAMSKARA-2023” 15 days PG orientation program for 1st year PG scholars of 2022 batch. Inauguration of the same was done on Monday 17/4/2023 at 3 pm .DrT M Pramod Kumar, Principal, JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru was the Chief Guest for the Inaugural Function.
Program started at 3 pm by seeking the blessings of God through invocation by Dr. Dhanashree & team. Program got inaugurated by lighting the lamps by the dignitaries. Dr. Rajesh A Udapudi, Dean, welcomed the guest and gathering. All the newly joined PG Scholars were welcomed by introducing their name and their respective department by Dr. Tejaswini K R Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Prasooti Tantra and Stree Roga. Then few Senior PG Scholars of the institution shared their opinion regarding the college. One of the newly joined PG Scholar Dr. Krithika R expressed her gratitude for choosing the JSS Ayurveda Medical College for pursuing her post-graduation. Dr. Preethi H M, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Koumarabhrithya introduced the Chief Guest Dr T M Pramod Kumar to the gathering. Chief Guest motived newly joined PG Scholars through his speech and was felicitated by all the Dignitaries as a token of love & gratitude. Presidential address was rendered by Principal Dr.Sarbeswarkar, who briefed about Institution Profile and spoke regarding the importance of the program “SAMSKARA”-2023 PG Orientation program which has been prescribed by NCISM. As a token of appreciation for working as PG coordinator for the four consecutive years Dr. Sheershananda Sharma V, Professor, Department of PG & PhD Studies in Rasa Shastra & Bhaishajya Kalpanawas felicitated.
Dr.Beena M D, PG Coordinator & Associate Professor, Department of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa delivered the vote of thanks. Chief Guest Dr T M Pramod Kumar educated newly joined PG Scholars about the importance of research in Ayurvedic pharmacy through his PPT Presentation. Dr.TejaswiniK R, Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in PrasootiTantra and StreeRoga mastered the ceremony. Totally 125members were present in the inaugural ceremony.