‘SAMSKARA-PG Orientation Program (Transformation to Proficient Scholar)’ by NCISM
Students from various parts of country with different languages, cultural background, and academic status will be taking admission to pursue postgraduate degree in the specialty areas of their interest. In this regard to bring them under one common learning platform and to prepare them for post-graduate education, some common subjects which are beneficial in the PG curriculum, by facilitating smooth and effective learning process are identified and incorporated into ‘SAMSKARA-PG Orientation Program (Transformation to Proficient Scholar)’ by NCISM. The program included subject areas like life skills, personality development, code of conduct, knowing the campus, presentation skills, knowledge of computer skills, entrepreneurship and future opportunities in the field of Ayurveda.
Details of the Program
The program was scheduled for 15 days, from 17-04-2023 to 05-05-2023 as prescribed by NCISM. The sessions were convened with suitable in house and external resource persons under the expert guidance of Dr. Sarbeswar Kar, Principal and Dr. Rajesh A Udapudi, Dean, JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru. The coordinator and co-coordinator for the program were Dr. Jyothy K.B., Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Kaumarabhritya, and Dr. Ashwini A., Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa, JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru respectively.
Samskara 2023 commenced on 17-04-2023, Monday 3.00 pm with the Inaugural session. The program began with the invocation in the presence of the august guests. Few Senior PG Scholars of the institution shared their opinion regarding the college. One of the newly joined PG Scholar also expressed her gratitude towards JSS Ayurveda Medical College for pursuing her post-graduation. Newly joined PG Scholars were motivated by the guest speech of Dr. T. M. Pramod Kumar, Principal, JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysuru who was the chief guest of the Inaugural session. The session was followed by a high tea. The day wise details of the program are as cited below.
DAY-2 -18th April 2023
Before commencing the first session, a pre-test was taken for the newly joined PG scholars. As an add on to the program, all the scholars were asked to document the program, department wise with their own ideas for which a standard format was provided and it was announced that the best three will be rewarded at the end of the program. The first session was the introduction of various related committees and councils like IEC (Institutional Ethics Committee) / IRB (Institutional Review Board) /IRC (Institutional Research Committee) etc. to the scholars by Dr Satish Pai, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Dravyaguna as the resource person followed by orientation to Student council and activities by Dr. Noor Fathima, Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Dravyaguna. Departmental introduction in the afternoon session was carried out by Dr Rajendra Prasad M. L., Associate Professor, Dept. of PG and PhD Studies in Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana in which all the students got to know their respective departments as well as other departments in the institution. A campus visit was conducted later by Dr Ashwini A. and Dr Vineeth C. P., Assistant Professors, Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa and Panchakarma of the institution, respectively.
DAY-3 -19th April 2023
As per the curriculum, introduction to research organizations like Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM), Central Council for Research in Siddha (CCRS), Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH), Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy (CCRYN), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) was the session in the morning conducted by Dr Srihari S., Professor & Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Kaumarabhritya of the institution. Mr. Vikas Nandi -College Assistant Administrative Officer, JSS Ayurveda Medical College lead the next session about institutional officials’ hierarchy and their roles and responsibilities. The rules and regulations of the campus, code of conduct, and dress codes, an overview of the PG curriculum, subjects and components of PG program, PG activities was briefed by Dr Shreeshananda Sharma V., Professor, Dept. of PG and PhD Studies Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana and PG coordinator of the institution. In the next session, Dr Nishchitha M. S. –Resident Medical Officer, JSS Ayurveda Medical College Hospital explained about Campus/Hospital/Laboratory etiquettes to the PG scholars. Orientation to institutional MOUs and affiliations and their scope in education and research was the last session of the day conducted by Dr Subhash Chandra Bose M., NAAC Coordinator & Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Roganidana & Virkruti Vigyana of the institute.
Orientation to an Overview of PG Curriculum by Dr Shreeshananda Sharma V
As per the curriculum, orientation to self-protection for girls was done by Dr Usha D. T., Associate Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Prasoothi Tantra and Streeroga. The session got proceeded with Rights and responsibilities of a PG Scholar by PG Coordinator, Dr. Shreeshananda Sharma V., Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana. Later in the noon Dr Gavimath Shivanand, Professor & Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Shalakya Tantra guided the PG scholars about time management. Afternoon session began with the topic ‘Dream building and Goal setting’ by Dr Siddaya Aradhyamath, Professor & Head, Dept. of PG studies in Shalya Tantra. The day ended by visit to herbal garden of our institution guided by Dr. Dhanush S. S. & Dr Noor Fathima, Assistant Professors, Dept. of PG Studies in Dravya Guna.
Orientation to ‘Dream building and Goal setting’ by Dr Siddaya Aradhyamath
The first session of the day was regarding communication skills, critical thinking, soft skills, empathy and respecting conduct, confidence and personal growth, public speaking, etc. conducted by Dr. Jyothy K. B., Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Kaumarabritya. Next, Dr. Vidya Narayan, Associate Professor & Head, Dept of PG Studies in Prasoothi Tantra and Streeroga spoke on Team building activities with live participation of the scholars. Later in the afternoon students got orientation to ABDM (Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission) registration and introduction to heal by India by Dr P Sudhakar Reddy, Professor & Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Swasthavritta.
DAY-6, 24th April 2023 - Team building activities by Dr Vidya Narayan
The day started with the session on computer basics, MS Office (MS Word, Power Point, Excel, etc.) which was dealt by Dr. Dhanush S.S., Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Dravya Guna. Orientation to self-learning, collaborative learning and lifelong learning strategies was conducted by Dr Beena M.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa. Later the scholars were trained Internet browsing and Chat GPT by Dr Aditya J., Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG studies in Shalya Tantra. Afternoon Session began with the online interactive session with an international speaker, Dr. Prasanna Kerur, Ayurvedic Physician, Jersey, Channel Island, U.K. & Director, Ayurveda Gurukula, London, U.K on the topic ‘Ayurveda Globalization’. Day ended with session on management of emails, editing and formatting softwares like PDF converter, Image editor, Video editing etc. by Dr. Puneet Kumar M. K.,Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agada Tantra.
Interactive webinar with International Speaker - Dr Prasanna Kerur
As per the curriculum, orientation to Central Research Facility of the institution was conducted by Dr Shivaprasad Huded, Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Dravya Guna.The Next session was on Animal House & Experimentation laboratory by Dr Satish Pai, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Dravya Guna. Next, Mr. Naveen –Librarian, JSS Ayurveda Medical College spoke on Library & Digital Library and E learning resources to the scholars. Afternoon session of the day began with orientation to Health awareness, Fitness and Hygiene by the resource person, Dr Deepa C. Patil, Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa. Later PG scholars were taken to the Skill & Simulation lab of JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research Centre to orient them about various simulation/skill with Dr Aiyanna P. P., Associate Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Shalya Tantra & Dr Tejaswini K. R., Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Prasoothi tantra & Stree roga.
Visit to Skill lab, JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research Centre
Orientation to Digital Library by Mr. Naveen
For the theme Scope, Prospective & Opportunity, eminent personalities were invited to share their views with the scholars. Senior consultant & founder staff of our institution Dr B. Gurubasavaraja, Professor, Dept. of PG & PhD Studies in Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana shared his success clinical stories. Session got proceeded by the guest speech of Dr Ramesh Kumar K.L., Assistant Professor, Department of Samhita & Siddhanta, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru who Spoke on the relevance and updates of Research in Ayurveda. First session in afternoon was by Dr K. Mrutyunjaya, Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy JSS College of Pharmacy, Mysure on the topic ‘Institution to Industries’, followed by the guest speech of Dr Karthik Pandit, Ayurvedic Physician, S N Pandit Health Care Centre, Mysuru on ‘Entrepreneurship in Ayurveda’.
Clinical Success stories by Dr B Gurubasavaraja
As per the curriculum, the day was spent for the orientation to safety apps installation: 122 India; Mysafetipin; Citizen COP; Himmat; Shake2safety; Raksha; Smart 24x7, Language software like Grammarly etc., Registering and using Digi locker, Cyber security and cyber safety, Wi-Fi and internet policies by the guest speaker Mr. Venkatesh J G, CEO, AIMIT, Mysuru. The session was interactive and with hands on training for the scholars.
DAY-10, 28th April 2023: Orientation to Learning Resources by Invite Speaker Mr Venkatesh J G
Work shop on various PG activities like Seminar presentation, Inter Departmental Presentation, Journal club presentation, Clinical case presentation, PPT preparation, Poster making etc. was conducted by the resource persons Dr Madhusudan B.G., Professor & Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Roga Nidana & Vikruti Vigyana, Dr Srihari S, Professor & Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Kaumarabritya, Dr Veena G Rao, Professor& Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Panchakarma and Dr Aditya J., Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Shalya Tantra. Later in the afternoon demonstration and Role play of podium manners were carried out by Dr Poornima Jalawadi, Associate Professor, Dept. of PG & PhD Studies in Shalya Tantra.
As per the Curriculum, demonstration of various PG activities like Seminar presentation, Inter Departmental Presentation, Journal club presentation Clinical case presentation, PPT preparation, Poster making etc. were conducted by assigning the PG Scholars of each department with General Seminar, Clinical Case and Journal Presentations. PG Scholars presented the same under the guidance of Dr Madhusudan B.G., Professor & Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Roga Nidana & Vikruti Vigyana, Dr Srihari S, Professor & Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Kaumarabritya, Dr Veena G Rao, Professor& Head, Dept. of PG Studies in Panchakarma and Dr Aditya J., Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Shalya Tantra respectively.
DAY-12 2nd May 2023: Demonstration of Journal Presentation by PG Scholars
The session started with introduction and presentation of related policies, Leave policies, Medical care availing policy and Do’s and Don’ts by PG Coordinator, Dr Shreeshananda Sharma V. Professor, Dept. of PG & PhD Studies in Rasashastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana. Next session was on Hospital SOPs by Dr Manasa S.D., Assistant Professor Dept. of PG Studies in Panchakarma. Afternoon the scholars had recreational activities and talent show in order to recognize and encourage the talents which was carried out by Dr Seetha Devi P, Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Panchakarma, Dr Aparna Unni, Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Roganidana & Vikruti Vigyana and Dr Poornima PKM, Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG & PhD Studies in Shalya Tantra. As a part of this, a debate competition was also conducted under G20 about the topic ‘Globalization of Ayurveda’.
The Session started with Orientation to stress management, including yoga and meditation, relaxation techniques by Dr Sowmya M. N., Associate Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Swasthavritta, where students actively participated in practicing relaxation techniques. Next session was by Mrs. Nanditha Shenoi P., Assistant Administrative Officer, JSS Ayurveda Hospital gave an introduction to HIMS (Hospital Information Management System) to the scholars, followed by motivational talk on Career guidance by the Dean, Dr Rajesh A Udapudi. Afternoon session started with Hands on training on Management of emails, Editing and formatting software like PDF converter, Image editor, Video editing etc by Dr Puneeth Kumar M K, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Agadatantra.
DAY-14, 4th May 2023:
Hands on training on Management of emails, Editing and formatting software like PDF converter, Image editor, Video editing etc by Dr Puneeth Kumar M K
The Valedictory Function of Samskara 2023 was held at 3.00 pm in the Yoga Hall of JSS Ayurveda College, Mysuru, Karnataka. The program began with the invocation in the presence of the august guests. Newly Joined PG Scholars were motivated by inspirational words of the chief guest Dr Dhakshaini M. R., Principal, JSS Dental College, Mysuru. In the program a few newly joined PG Scholars shared their experience about the SAMSKARA-2023, PG Orientation Program. Best three documentations of SAMSKARA 2023 were awarded by the chief guest to Department of PG studies in Kayachikitsa, Prasuti Tantra & Streeroga and Roganidana. The winners of the debate competition on G20 were also felicitated. All the PG Scholars were awarded with the completion certificate of SAMSKARA 2023 in the function. The session ended with the vote of thanks by the coordinator.
DAY-15, 5th May 2023
The Orientation program ended with Post-Test and Feedback to assess the knowledge gained by the program and also to know the views and suggestions of the scholars. There were 36 PG Scholars who got benefitted by this program.