Report on KARMA KOUSHALYA - 2022

Department of PG studies in Panchakarma, JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru in Commomeration with 107th Jayanti Celebration of his holiness Jagadguru Raja Gurutilaka Dr Sri Shivaratri Rajendra Mahaswamiji has organised “Karma Koushalya 2022” a 3 days Panchakarma Hands-On Training from 24/8/2022 to 26/8/2022 for Internees of different Ayurveda Colleges across Karnataka. 30 delegates from different colleges of Karnataka like KTG Bengaluru, TMAE Bagalkot and KAMC Mangalore have participated in the program.
Inauguration of function was on 24th August 2022. To start with invocation was by Dr Abhilasha Panchakarma PG Scholar. Dr. Veena G Rao, Professor and HOD, Department of PG studies in Panchakarma welcomed the guest & gathering. Lighting the lamp was by the chief guest Dr. Pushpa and other dignitaries on the dias. Dr. Gurubasavaraj former CMO & Chief Physician of our hospital gave opening remarks. Principal Dr. Sarbeswarkar did the appraisal of the programme. The Chief guest Dr. Pushpa, DAO, Mysuru proclaimed the importance of Panchakarma & Ayush Doctors in the society at the present scenario. Presidential address was by the Dean Academics, Dr. Rajesh Udapudi. Vote of Thanks was proposed by Dr. Seetha Devi P., Reader, Department of PG studies in Panchakarma. Master of Ceremony was done by Dr Shalini, Final year PG Scholar of Panchakarma Department.
Inaugural program was followed by Therapy Demo sessions after a brief introduction of delegates. The staffs of Panchakarma Department Dr. Veena G. Rao. Dr. Seetha Devi P., Dr. Jyoti, Dr. Manasa S. D. & Dr. Vineeth C. P. were the resource persons & gave hands on training for the delegates through the PG Scholars with a professional touch.
First demo session was on all Pinda Swedas like Valuka, Churna pinda sweda, Patra pinda sweda, Jambeera Pinda Sweda & Shashtika Shali pinda sweda started at 11.30am on 24th August 2022.
Second demo session in the afternoon of 24th August at 2.00pm was on Sthanika Basti like Greeva basti, Janu basti, Kati basti, Ekanga pichu & Nadi Sweda.
Third demo session on 25th August morning was on Vamana Karma which was conducted at 6.00am, later Anuvasana Basti and Niruha basti was demonstrated.
Fourth session in the afternoon was on Shirodhara and Raktamokshana specifically Jaloukavacharana.
Fifth session on 26th at 8.00am on Nasya Karma. Then Sarvanga Abhyanga, Kashaya seka & Udvartana were demonstrated.
In all the sessions, under the guidance of our department staffs all Panchakarma PG Scholars actively participated in the demonstration of therapy & each and every delegate joined their hands in learning the therapy. After every session there was a panel discussion, in which the queries of the delegates regarding the therapy & the treatment protocol of diseases were answered.
Totally it was a great opportunity for the delegates to learn or get hands on training from our PG Scholars & learned expert staffs of our department.
Hands on training programme “Karma Koushalya – 2022” is a great success not only in terms of productivity of the practical session but also food and accommodation facility.
The 3 days Hands-on training program concluded with valedictory functionon 26th August 2022 at 2.00 PM in which the stage is shared by Dr Vijaya Mahanthesh Hugar, Associate Professor, Dept. Of PG Studies in Panchakarma, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru and Deputy Medical Superintendent, Govt. Hi-Tech Panchakarma Hospital, Mysuru as chief guest, Principal Dr. Sarbeswarkar, Principal, Dean Dr. Rajesh Udapudi, organizing secretary Dr. Veena G Rao.Dr. Abhilasha, Final year Panchakarma PG Scholar did invocation, Dr. Seetha Devi P., Reader, Dept. of PG Studies in Panchakarma, Welcomed the Guest and the gathering, Dr. Veena G. Rao, Professor and HOD, Dept. of PG Studies in Panchakarma, put forth overall report of the program. Two delegates expressed their opinion and have given a positive feedback regarding demo sessions, food, accommodation and hospitality. Dr. Jyoti, Reader, Dept. of PG Studies in Panchakarma, introduced the guest to the gathering. Chief Guest Dr. Vijay Mahantesh Hugar spoke about the importance of practical skills for a successful practice and praised the department for organising such a unique program, Dr. Rajesh Udapudi, Dean academics delivered the Presidential address, Dr. Manasa S. D. Assistant professor, Dept. of PG studies in Panchakarma, rendered Vote of Thanks. Master of Ceremony was Dr Vineeth, Assistant professor, Dept. of PG studies in Panchakarma.