As a part of the academic curriculum of UG & PG studies, Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana of of our institution had organized a visit to Kottakal Aryavaidyasala, Nanjangudu on 13/06/2024 and 14/06/2024.
Faculty of the Department of Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Dr. Jagadeesh Mitti, Professor and Head, Dr. V. Shreeshananda Sharma, Professor, Dr, Rajendra Prasad, Reader and Dr. Subrahmanya Puranik, Assistant Professor and the PG Scholars and II BAMS Professional students visited to Vaidyaratnam P. S Varier’s Kottakal Aryavaidyasala Pharmacy at Nanjangudu.
Initially Mr. Chandrashekar, Manager of Human Resources briefed the history and the development of the Kottakal Aryavaidya Pharmacy. After this we visited the production unit, Dr. Abdul, Production In charge accompanied us and explained the process of manufacturing of different medicines, which consists of pre-processing unit including raw material storage, cleaning and drying section. The processing unit consists of different operational sections like Kashaya preparation section, Vacuum drying unit, Tablet manufacturing section, Choorna and granule preparation section etc. It also has a separate section for preparation of syrups, Gels, ointments, oils, packing, labelling and quality control unit. There is a separate section for Finished Drugs Storage.
More than 100 students, PG Scholars and Staff were benefitted by this Visit.