"PARISHODHANA – 2024" - A Symposium on Innovative dissertation Research design for first year MD/MS PG Scholars on 2-3-2024, Saturday

Department of Research & Development of JSS Ayurveda Medical college Mysuru had organized PARISHODHANA - 2024 ,A Symposium on Innovative dissertation Research design for first year MD/MS PG Scholars on 2-3-2024, Saturday in the institution. The inaugural ceremony was at 9:30am, Dr Beena, Pg Coordinator welcomed the gathering. All the dignitaries lighted lamp.
Dr. Rabinarayana Acharya, Director General CCRAS, Ministry of Ayush, Govt of India, New Delhi was the inaugural chief guest and delivered Key note address of Parishodhana-2024. Sir, spoke about importance of research and multidisciplinary researches. Dr Sudhakar reddy, Professor and head, Department of Pg studies in Swasthavritta & IRC Cordinator did the appraisal of the programmeprogramme.
Dr Rajesh A Udapudi, wished the programme, Dr Shreevatsa, Professor & head Dept. of Samhita Siddhantha was the guest of honor, Dr SarbeswarKar Presided over the function and delivered Presidential Address where he stressed about Honourable Prime Minister Sri Narendra Modi vision of 2030 integration and scope of Research. Dr Nischitha, RMO rendered Vote of thanks for Inaugral Function.
The first scientific session was taken by Dr Shreevatsa, Professor & head Dept. of Samhita Siddhantha at 10:30 am where Sir briefed about research, scope of research & references of research in Ayurveda.
Next session was by Dr Anup Thakar, Director ITRA, Jamnagar. Sir head of Panchakarma department suggested some topics of importance in Panchakarma where research can be carried out. Third session was by Dr Sujata Kadam, Professor &Dean, Dept. of Prasutitantra& streeroga, AIIA, Goa, explained the topics where research can be carried in Prasutitantra& streeroga, Also shared different innovative research carried out in their department. Dr Manjusha Rajagopala, Professor& head, Dept of Shalakyatantra, AIIA, New Delhi, explained research areas of Shalakyatantra. Next Dr P Hemanth Kumar, Professor & Head, Dept. of Shalyatantra, National Institute of Jaipur, delt with research areas in Shalyatntra, different publications, researches done in their department. Then Lunch break was given. Post lunch sesion was taken by D Madhava Diggavi, explained fundamentals of Ayurveda where research can be done and areas where there is scope for research in Kaychikitsa.
Dr Shivakumar S Harti, Associate Professor, Dept. of Swasthavritta, AIIA, New Delhi, highlighted areas of research in Swasthavritta. Dr Bhupesh Patel, Professor & head, Dept of Dravyaguna, ITRA, Jamnagar delt with research in Dravyaguna. Last scientific seesion was by Dr Reena Kulkarni, Professor& Head, Dept. of Kaumarabhritya,SDM Ayurveda, Begaluru explained the areas of research in Kaumarabhritya.
The Valedictory programme started 4:30pm. Dr. B. S. Prasad, president, Board of Ayurveda, NCISM, ministry of Ayush, govt of India New Delhi was the Valedictory chief guest. Sir congratulated for taking up such unique seminar and advised students to take up innovative ideas for research and contribute for the development of Ayurveda . Dr. Lakshmi Narayan Shenoy Asst. Director, Govt Ayurveda Research centre Mysore motivated the students in his speech to take up innovative research work in their career during the Valedictory address.Some delegates gave feedback about the seminar and convtedit was very useful and well organized. Dr SarbeswarKar rendered Vote of thanks, High tea was served for all delegates. Dr Aiyanna, Associate Professor Dept. of Pg & Ph.D studies in Shalyatantra was the master of ceremony and Moderator for all Scientific sessions. There were 11 Resource persons from all over India and imparted their knowledge in different specialties and given insight on the topic. It was a great event which was held in hybrid mode. There were more than 250 delegates from various colleges of Karnataka have actively participated in the knowledge session.