NSS Unit of JSS Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, Mysuru conducted 6 days NSS special camp from 15.04.2024 to 20.04.2024 at Hanchya Village, Mysuru.
On the first day, 15.04.2024, Monday, all the NSS volunteers were oriented regarding Rules and responsibilities during the Special camp, and a talk on “NSS inda Vyaktitwa Vikasana” was given by Sri Raghavendra R, NSS Programme officer and National award winner, Sheshadri PU College, Mysuru.
On 16.04.2024, Tuesday General Ayurveda Health camp by doctors of JSSAMC&H was organized and free medicines were distributed. More than 120 health seekers were benefited by the camp. Health awareness talk on the topic- Manasika ottadadinda Aguva Samasyegalu mattu Parihaara was organized for school children and village people by Dr. Unnikrishnan. P. M, Asst. Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa, JSSAMC, Mysuru.
On 17.04.2024, Wednesday, the NSS special camp was officially and formally inaugurated. Chief guest of the program was Dr Nandeesh Hanche, Retired Chairman of Kannada Book Authority, Bengaluru, Karnataka and Asst. Prof. JSS College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Mysuru. The programme was presided by Sri R Mahesh, Director, Medical Education Division, JSS Mahavidyapeeta, Mysuru Dr Sarbeshwar Kar, Principal, JSSAMC, Mysuru, felicitated the dignitaries of the village. Dr Shashibindu NSS Program officer, Dr Visal S Kumar, Dr Aparna Unny and Dr Dhanush. S. S, NSS Coordinators were present during the programme.
Free eye camp was organized by Namma Mane Trust (R), Mysuru in association with Annapoorna Eye Hospital, Mysuru. A total of 105 people were benefitted and free spectacles for the needy were distributed during the Inaugural program by the dignitaries.
On 18.03.2023, Thursday, free camp on Speech and Hearing disabilities were conducted by JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysuru along with Ayurveda camp where a total of 60 people were benefitted. Evening health talk was given by Dr. Vadiraja. K. T, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Environmental science, JSSAHER, Mysuru on the topic Parisara Nairmalya mattu Neerina Sadbalake to the Village people and for NSS Volunteers. Awareness rally on water and its consumption and skit on awareness on nature and water were done by NSS volunteers and by school children throughout the village.
0n 19.04.2024, Friday, free Dental checkup camp was conducted by JSS Dental College and hospital, Mysuru. More than 60 people were benefitted. Dental caries were removed freely in Dental mobile van.
Evening health talk was given by Dr Dhanush S S, Assistant Professor, Dept. of PG studies in Dravyaguna, JSSAMC&H on the topic commonly used single drugs in various diseases and about common female health issues.
On 20.04.2024, Saturday, Plantation program was conducted and more than 25 plants were planted and distributed in the village schools and temple. Medicinal plant survey was done at Hanchya village and at BV Pandith Dhanvantari Arogyashrama, Nanjangud. More than 200 medicinal plants species were identified and uses of these plants were explained to students and villagers by Dr Dhanush. S. S, Asst. Professor, Dept of PG studies in Dravyaguna, JSSAMC. Dr Srikrishna, Consultant, BV Pandith Dhanvantari Arogyashrama, Nanjangud, gave lecture on how to become a good clinician and how we can serve the society during practice to the NSS Volunteers.
On 20.04.2024, Free Health Camp was organized which was utilized well by all. In the Valedictory Program held during the evening, Chief guest was Mr. Narasimha Murthy S D, CEO, Rammanahalli Pattana Panchayat, Mysuru who congratulated the team NSS of JSSAMC, Mysuru for the commendable work done in the village. The programme was presided by Dr Deepa C Patil, Former NSS Officer & State NSS Award winner, JSSAMC, Mysuru. Certificates were distributed to the NSS Volunteers and prizes for winners of various competitions conducted during the camp period. Dr Shashibindu, NSS Officer has presented the NSS Camp final report during valedictory program.
During the 6 days, more than 350 houses were surveyed regarding sanitation, common health issues, open defecation, water storage, Vaccination etc. and given awareness regarding all. NSS volunteers conducted various programs under Swachata Abhiyana like cleaning school and temple premises, participated in various health camps conducted by different organizations. Total of 200 Mane Maddu books were distributed during door to door campaigning and given awareness on life style disorders also. Totally more than 1200 people were benefitted from the camp.