National Nutrition Week- Guest lecture

In commemoration with 108th Jayanthi celebrations of His Holiness Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivaratri Rajendra Mahaswamiji, Department of PG studies in Swasathavritha, Dept of PG studies in Kaumarabhritya and NSS unit jointly organised a guest lecture on Friday, 01/09/2023 in view of National Nutritional Week.
Dr.Sudha Sairam, Assistant Professor, Dept of Nutrition and dietetics, JSS AHER, Mysuru delivered an informative guest lecture on the topic "Functional foods and Neutraceuticals, Translational Nutrition for Sustainable Health & Disease.
Welcome address was given by Dr. P. Sudhakar Reddy, Professor & Head, Dept of PG studies in Swasthavritha. The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by all the dignitaries.
Dr. Sarbeswar Kar, Principal presided over the function and spoke regarding the importance of food and nutrition. Dr. Srihari. S, Professor & Head, Dept of PG studies in Kaumarabhritya rendered Vote of Thanks.
Guest speaker was felicitated by the dignitaries.
III year UG students, PG scholars and staffs participated in the program.