Kriya shareera quiz 2023

As per the schedule of calendar of events, department of Kriya Shareera had arranged a quiz competition on “Kriya shareera” on 5th May 2023 at 1st BAMS class room from 10.20-11.30 am.
8 Students of I st BAMS participated in quiz competition. Participants were categorised into 4 groups named Vata, Pitta,Kapha & Rakta with 2 students in each group. There were six rounds in the quiz.
Round 1: Physiology questions round
Round 2: Identify the picture round
Round 3: Normal value round
Round 4:Complete the Shloka round
Round 5: Pick and act round
Round 6: Rapid fire shloka round
After each round one question was asked to audience.
Programme was conducted by Miss Abhijna & Miss Vasushree I st BAMS students. Miss Radhika & Miss Santhoshi I st BAMS students co ordinated the quiz.
All the faculty members congratulated the participants and distributed prize to the winner team “VATA”.
Faculty present:
Dr. Savita Hiremath
Dr.Meghana. N
Dr. C.D.Totad