Kriya Sameeksha – an Innovative Seminar on the Concept of Agni and Srotas was organised by Dept. of Kriya Shareera of our institution on 24-02-2024. Seminar was Inaugurated by Principal Dr. Sarbeswar Kar, Dr. Savita Hiremath, Prof & HOD, Dept. of Kriya Shareera, Dr. Usha. D. T, UG Coordinator and delegates of our institution and Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru.
Dr. Kishor Patwardhan, Professor, Dept of Kriya Shareera, BHU, Varanasi was the Keynote Speaker. Sir spoke about the basic components of Ayurveda like Tridosha, Mahabhuta, Agni and Srotas.
Dr. Shilpa Yermi, Professor, Dept. of Kriya Shareera, SGRA College, Solapur in her lecture spoke on the concepts of Agni and its utility in clinical practise.
Dr. Vijaya Vagesh, Associate Professor, Dept. of Physiology, JSS Medical College, Mysuru discussed regarding Digestion and Metabolism, its physiological aspects and also applied aspects.
Dr. Rajeshree Pol, Associate Professor and HOD, Dept of Kriya Shareera, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru explained in detail about Srotas and madam discussed important questions also.
Dr. Nagaraj Kamath, Associate Professor, Dept of Kriya Shareera, SDMACH, Hassan, enriched the knowledge of delegates with is thought provoking session on utility of Srotas in different diseases.
In the Valedictory Program, Dr. Savita Hiremath presented the report of the day long seminar. Few delegates gave good feedback about the seminar. Chief guest Dr. K. S. Radhakrishna Rama Rao, Principal, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru spoke regarding impotence of Agni and Srotas in both healthy and diseased conditions. And also congratulated all 194 delegates for participation. Presidential Address was delivered by Principal, Dr. Sarbeswar Kar.