On 22-06-2024, Department of Dravyaguna conducted one day feld visit to Talakaveri MPC of Kodagu district for II Professional BAMS Students of 2021-22 batch. All Staff & 94 students are present. Two Forest gaurds coordinated & guided regarding the biodiversity of the Conservation area and also helped us on identification of medicial plants with thier local name and ethnomedical uses.
Following medicinal plants were identified and studied during the visit
- Rajapatha - Cyclea peltata
- Phyallanthus virgatus
- Chopachini - Smilax china
- Lobelia nicotianifloia - Wild tobacco
- Mahabala - Sida rhombydifoila
- Hamsapadi - Adiantam denudatum
- Priyangu - Callicarpa macrophylla
- Gojihwa - Elephantopus scaber
- Triumfetta rhomboidea
- Talamuli (Krishna mushali) - Curculigo orchiodes
- Parushaka - Grewia hirsute
- Jyotishmati - Celastrus paniculatus
- Vikankata - Flacourtia montana
- Madanaphala - Randia spinosa
- Mandukaparni - Centella asiatica
- Anjani ( Vallekudi ) - Memecylon malabaricum
- Vrukshamla - Garcinia indica
- Tvak (Kadu chakke) - Cinnamomum tamala
- Sahachara source plant - Strobilanthus ciliates