Department of PG and Ph.D studies in Shalyatantra, JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru in Commomeration with 107th Jayanti Celebration of his holiness Jagadguru Raja Gurutilaka Dr Sri Shivaratri Rajendra Mahaswamiji has organised “Karma Koushalya 2022” a 1 days Hands-On Training workshop on Agnikarma practical utility in pain management on 14th September 2022 for Internees and PG scholars of different Ayurveda Colleges and practitioners across Karnataka. 138 delegates from different colleges of Karnataka like GAMC Bengauru, BVVS Bagalkot, SDM Udupi, SDM Hassan, Ashwini Ayurveda Medical college Davanagere, KVG Sullia, Bapuji Ayurveda Medical College Challikere, Sushruta College Banglore, Sri Sri College Banglore, GAMC Mysore, SJGAMC Koppal and practitioners from Sanjivini clinic, Dr. Deepa’s clinic, Sri Ayurveda clinic, Bhaved Ayurveda clinic have participated in the program.
Inauguration of function was on 14th September 2022. To start with invocation was by Dr Sanjana Iternee. Dr. Siddayya Aradhyamath, Professor and HOD, Department of PG and Ph.D studies in Shalyatantra welcomed the guest & gathering. Lighting the lamp was by the chief guest Dr. Santhosh Arjunagi and other dignitaries on the dais. Dean Academics, Dr. Rajesh Udapudi did the appraisal of the programme.Introduction of chief guest was done by Dr. Adithya J. V. Assistant professor Department of PG and Ph.D studies in Shalya tantra. The Chief guest Dr. Santhosh Arjunagi,Prof. and HOD, Department of PG studies in Shalya tantra, SDMAMCHC & H Banglore proclaimed the importance of Agnikarma in the society at the present scenario. Felicitation of chief guest Dr. Santhosh Arjunagi Prof. and HOD, Department of PG studies in Shalya tantra, SDMAMCHC & H Banglore wsa done by dignitaries on the dais. Presidential address was by the Principal Dr. Sarbeswarkar. Vote of Thanks was proposed by Dr. Aiyanna P. P., Reader, Department of PG and Ph.D studies in Shalya tantra. Master of Ceremony was done by Dr Samtha, Second year PG Scholar of Shalyatantra Department.
After inauguration, scientific session was done by chief guest Dr. Santhosh Arjunagi Prof. and HOD, Department of PG studies in Shalya tantra, SDMAMCHC & H Banglorewith live demonstration. There was lunch break at 1:00PM – 2:00PM. At 2:00 -2:30PM delegates were taken around the college and hospital premises for the campus visit.
After campus visit at 2:30PM we had scientific session with live demonstration and hands on training by Dr. Poornima Jalwadi Reader, Department of PG and Ph.D studies in Shalya tantra. At around 3:00 PM our HOD and Prof. Dr. Siddayya Aradhyamath presented success stories of department.
At 3:30PM panel discussion was conducted by Dr Dr. Gurubasavaraj B Prof., Department of PG and Ph.D studies in RSBK, JSSAMC, Principal Dr. Sarbeswarkar,Dean Academics, Dr. Rajesh Udapudi, Dr. Siddayya Aradhyamath, Professor and HOD, Department of PG and Ph.D studies in Shalyatantra and Dr. Poornima Jalwadi Reader, Department of PG and Ph.D studies in Shalya tantra.Various doubts of deligates where clarified by this session. 3 deligates from different college gave their positive feedback on program. After that Principal Dr. Sarbeswarkar has conducted session on achevements of JSSAMC institution.
Around at 4:00PM felicitation was done for our alluminies Dr. Abhishek assistnt professor, Department of Shalyatantra, Bapuji Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Challikere, Dr. Pallavi M. K. Govt. Medical Officer, Mandya and Dr. Rhul Gouda first year PG Scholar Department of PG studies in Dravyaguna Vignaniya.
Certificates were distributed to the all delegates from different colleges at 4:30PM. High tea was served after the session.
Totally it was a great opportunity for the delegates to learn or get hands on training and scientific session from Chief Guest and expert staffs of our department.
Hands on training programme “Karma Koushalya – 2022” is a great success not only in terms of productivity of the practical session but also food and accommodation facility.