Department of PG Studies in Dravyaguna

The students of 8th, 9th, 10th class of JSS State School, Siddarthnagar, Mysore has visited our College Garden on November 9th -2023 as a part of their curriculum activity.
As a part of 8th National Ayurveda Day Celebrations Department of PG Studies in Dravyaguna has organized Medicinal Plants Awareness Programme for them. Dr. Santosh V R, Reader Department of Dravyaguna attended the students and explained about role, Utility of Commonly used Medicinal Plants in day today life for different purposes like for treatment of common sufferings, in food preparation, growing them in & around home,
Students enthusiastically involved, asked many queries regarding plants propagation, uses. We explained them about uses of some important plants like Vasa, Guduchi, Kumari, Tulasi, Vibhitaki, Matulunga, Rudraksha, Pippali, Brahmi, Mandukaparni, Amalaki etc.