An interaction session with Dr.B.S Prasad, President-Board of Ayurveda, National Commission for Indian System of Medicine, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi was scheduled on 04-11-2022 Friday, in the college Yoga Hall for all the teaching staff and PG Scholars of all department.
The session was started around 12:15PM by seeking the blessings of Holiness Jagadguru Sri Shivaratri DeshiKendra Mahaswamiji. Principal Dr.Sarbeskwarkar welcomed the gathering and introduced the guest of honor for the day. Principal Sir then presented the annual academic report to the session.
Later Dr.B.S Prasad sir addressed the gathering and spoke regarding the lacuna in field of Ayurveda, various programs putforth to encourage& promote Ayurveda as Universal healthcare, gave a positive spirit to uplift Ayurveda as a Prime modality of treatment in terms of Globalization.
Sir opined to make a sincere effort to differentiate the UG&PG curriculum, to change the method of teaching for UG&PG Students, advised faculties to attend various training programs lead by NCISM for carrier guidance and to perish themselves in their speciality OPD’s based on their subject of concern.
Interactive session was started after guest speech in which our faculties took path actively, sir answered all doubts of the faculties and gave his inputs to make changes in way of teaching from first year UG itself in perspective of clinical application, to have peripheral postings for PG Scholars of Rasashastra to enrich their knowledge interms of largescale production and standardization of surgical terms in Ayurveda.
Gnaneshwari, First year UG student shared her experience about learning Sanskrit and her journey after joining BAMS course.
Guest was felicitated by our Principal, Dean and PG Co-ordinator.
Vote of thanks was given by our beloved Principal.