Free in-house health camp for children

On the Occasion of National Ayurveda Day 2023, Department of PG Studies in Kaumarabhritya in association with NSS unit, JSSAMC&H has organized In-house free health camp for children of JSS High school, Sidhartha Nagar on Thursday, 9th November 2023, from 10am to 1 pm.
37 children were benefitted from the camp. The issues pertaining to Respiratory system, Digestive system and Skin were observed more in students which was addressed by the consultants.Dr. Visal S Kumar, Assistant professor, Department of PG studies in Kaumarabhritya, Dr. Preethi. H. M, Assistant professor, Department of PG studies in Kaumarabhritya, Dr. Shashibindu, NSS program Officer, PG scholars of Kaumarabhritya Department and interns took part in the camp. The children were accompanied by the teaching staffs of the school.