Guest lecture for III BAMS

On 5th August 2023, a Guest lecture was organized by Dept of PG studies in Swasthavritta, JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru for III BAMS students on the Topic- Principles of Communicable Disease Terminology. The Guest speaker was Dr. Asif Khan, Professor and Head, Department of Community Medicine, Kanachur Medical College, Mangalore. Dr. P. Sudhakar Reddy, Prof &Head, Dept of PG studies in Swasthavritta, JSSAMC, Mysuru welcomed the guest and gathering. The Guest was introduced by Dr. Samyam, 2nd Year PG Scholar, Dept of PG studies in Swasthavritta. Vote of Thanks was given by Dr. Shalini. S, Assistant Professor, Dept of PG studies in Swasthavritta, JSSAMC, Mysuru. Master of ceremony was done by Dr. Janavi, 1st Year PG scholar, Dept of PG studies in Swasthavritta, JSSAMC, Mysuru. Total 70 students were benefitted by the event.