To enhance the research knowledge among PG and PhD scholars JSS Ayurveda medical college organised a series of interactive session on research updates. In this connection the inauguration was observed on 6 th December 2022. Dr.Grish Tillu scientist, fellow of center for complementary and integrative health, Savitribai Phule, Pune university graced the inauguration.
The session was begun with invocation by Dr Rashmi, I PG scholar, Department of PG studies in Shalakya tantra, JSSAMC, Mysuru.
Dr Rajesh A Udapudi, Dean and Professor & Head, Department of PG studies in Kayachikitsa welcomed the guest to the gathering.
Dr Aiyanna P P, Associate Professor, Department of PG & Ph.D studies in Shalyatantra introduced guest Speaker Dr Girish Tillu.
Dr Girish Tillu, scientist, fellow of center for complementary and integrative health, Savitribai Phule, Pune university, delivered inaugural talk and enlightened the PG and PhD scholars on research updates and active interaction carried between scholars and the resource person.
Dr Sarbeswarkar, Principal, JSS AMC, Mysuru delivered presidential talk. Programme was conclude through Vote of thank by Dr P Sudhakar Reddy, Professor & Head, Department of PG studies in Swasthavritta.
Dr Samta, II PG scholar, Department of PG & Ph.D studies in Shalyatantra mastered the ceremony.