FREE MEDICAL CAMP on 01-08-2023

Department of PG & Ph.D Studies of Shalya Tantra & NSS Unit of JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru – conducted a free medical camp at Sri Vyasatheertha Vidyapeetha, Krishnamurthypuram, Mysore on 01-08-2023.
The camp was inaugurated and graced by his Holiness Sri Sri Vishwaprasanna Teertha – Chief Pontiff – Pejawara Mutt,Udupi. His Holiness inaugurated the camp by lighting of the lamp and briefed regarding importance of getting screened regularly for any ailments and keep themselves in good health for building a healthy Nation. The camp was mainly campaigned for screening Surgical diseases like Ano-Rectal Diseases, Hernia, Varicose Veins, Non Healing ulcers etc..
There were about 133 Beneficiaries in the camp. All the beneficiaries were distributed with Free Medicine samples.
Camp was headed under the guidance of Dr Siddesh Aradhyamath, Prof & Head, Department of PG & Ph.D studies in Shalya Tantra and accompanied by Dr Adithya J V, Asst Professor, Department of PG & Ph.D studies in Shalya tantra and Dr Shashibindu, NSS Unit Chief & Associate Professor, Dept of Agada Tantra. PG Scholars, Interns and students accompanied and also helped in smooth conduction of the camp.