Dr. Beena M D, Associate Professor & PG Coordinator, Dept of PG studies in Kayachikitsa of our institution was invited as a resource person for CME organized by NIMA (National Integrated Medical Association) Karnataka State Branch, Mandya District on 05-09-2023.
The program was inaugurated by Dr. Seethalaksmi B S, District AYUSH Officer, Mandya and the Chief Guest was Dr. Bhusanurmath R G, President, NIMA Karnataka State Branch.
Madam spoke on the topic – “PRACTICES IN PANCHAKARMA” to the AUSH doctors wherein she shared her clinical experiences in treating the different types of diseases by adapting the Ayurvedic treatment principles especially through Panchakarma, many success stories with visual documentations and expressed that we can successfully treat many challenging diseases by adapting the Ayurvedic treatment principles.
She also shared the clinical experience of treating the Cancer patients especially the stage 4 cancers in improving the quality of life and reducing the sufferings. More than 50 AUSH doctors were benefited from the CME.