INSPIRING TALK by Dr. AMARJEET SINGH, Principal, JSS Academy of Technical Education, Noida, UP

We were very privileged to have Dr Amarjeet Singh principal of JSS Academy of technical education Uttar Pradesh who visited our campus and addressed Faculty members and PG scholars on June 28 2023.Dr Sarbeshwarkar principal gave a small introduction and welcomed sir to the gathering in the presence of dean Dr Rajesh A Udapudi. Dr Amarjeet sir addressed the gathering about role of relationship in life whether it’s home or work place maintaining the good harmony with one another will help in achieving great progress in everything and sir himself is a source of motivation to us gave encouraging examples from his own life as he was one of the person who fought for the country in Kargil war,he throw the light on relaxation and distressing oneself and to have a long vision for great future.sir made sure that we should never harm ourselves and our country as he proudly said that he had trained more than 40 girls in Air Force,last but not least he concluded his speech by saying that ‘whatever it is never stop , keep moving and to rock on in life '
This short and motivating speech made the audience inspiring.