Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering students visit to JSS Ayurvedic Medical College as a part of newly introduced Biology subject in their Curriculum for Information Science (IS) Students.

6 Staff and 70 students of Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru visited our institution on 12-07-2023 to get knowledge on the subject Biology which is being introduced newly in their curriculum. All the students were grouped into 3 batches based on convenience and were distributed among Shareera Rachana dissection hall, Shareera Rachana Museum, Roganidana lab and Kriya Shareera Lab.
In the dissection hall and Museum, different parts of the body, Organs of the body, basics of Cadaver dissection were described. Different types of bones, types of joints, types of muscles and preserved different organs were explained for their better understanding.
In Roganidana lab basics of Cells, tissues and organs was taught. Basics of blood, RBC, WBC and few bacteria were described and all students who visited were encouraged to view different cells in the microscope. Few interested students underwent blood grouping test as well.
In Kriya Lab mechanism of living organisms with cell functions were taught. Basics of Pulse Rate, Stethoscope, BP apparatus were shown and few volunteers underwent blood pressure measurement and Nadi pariksha.
Later in the afternoon session, Dr. Sathish. G. I discussed on the topic – Application of Computer knowledge in Medical Science, Dr. Usha. D. T gave a lecture on Common Gynecological disorders and Dr. Gavimath Shivanand spoke on Lifestyle disorders and their management. All the students who visited were happy with their day spent positively with good discussion on their health and prevention of diseases.