Dr. BEENA. M. D as RESOURCE PERSON at Agnivesha Ayurveda Anushthana

Dr. Beena M. D., Associate Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa, JSS AMC, Mysuru was a Resource person for the monthly CAME organized by the AGNIVESHA AYURVEDA ANUSHTANA (An activity of Rashtrotthana Arogya Seva Kendra), Bengaluru on 27-07-2023.
Dr. Beena. M. D spoke on ROLE OF AYURVEDA PREVENTION TO PALLIATIVE CARE IN CANCER. She has emphasized about the need of the hour to integrate the treatment of Cancer. Explained how Ayurveda is potent in treating cancer in different ways as preventive, as an adjunct or adjuvant therapy, efficacy in reducing the side effects of chemo and radiotherapy and in preventing the relapse of cancer.
She also presented two research works carried out in treating Stage 4 Cancers where it showed marked reduction in reducing the signs and symptoms and improved the quality of life in maximum number of patients. The research also showed significant result in increasing the survival benefit and in arresting the growth of the tumour in few patients and it is possible to treat cancer in its different stages through Ayurvedic principles along with integrated approach for the benefit of the patient.