In continuation of academic activities, the institution had conducted CME programme for Interns and PG scholars

In continuation of academic activities, the institution had conducted CME programme for Interns and PG scholars on 24.04.2023 in seminar hall of the college, Dr. Niranjana Murthy, Managing director, Pentacare pharmacy, Bengaluru and Dr. M.B.Gururaja , Consultant , Dhavala pentacare Hospital, Shimoga were the guest speakers.
The program started at 3pm with invocation by Dr. Rashmi BR, 2nd year PG Scholar, Department of PG Studies in Shalakya tantra. Dr.P.Sudhakar Reddy, Professor & HOD welcomed the guest & gathering. Dr.Sarbeswar kar , Principal , delivered the opening remarks .
Dr.Niranjana Murthy spoke on the topic Realm of the Nano-medicines in Ayurveda. In his speech he elaborated the preparation of Rasaoushadhas and their mode of administration along with pharmacological actions. Dr. M.B.Gururaja delivered lecture on importance of quality of medicines in treatment. In his lecture he has presented successful clinical cases of liver disorders, skin disorders and diabetic wound management. Both sessions were informative, thought provoking and motivative regarding importance of different pharmaceutical preparations in the clinical practice for our budding doctors. Dr. Rajesh A Udapudi, Dean academics, was rendered vote of thanks. Dr.Reetu Mahesh, 2nd year PG Scholar, Dept.of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa was the Master of ceremony.