Basic Care and Life Support training for 3 days

As per the Guidelines from RGUHS , mandatory rules for BCLS training for Internees..our Institution JSS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital conducted Basic Care and Life Support training for 3 days
- Day 1 - 30 students
- Day 2 - 30 students
- Day 3 - 31 students
The training was conducted by JeevaRaksha Emergency Care training Centre from 20/09/2023 to 22/09/2023, by Rekha, Sumanth, Satyaraj, Divyashree, Priyadarshini and Yogesh.
From this training students got an opportunity to learn about CPR, choking management, emergency care to be taken in haemorrhagic conditions, cardiac arrest and also the usage of AED.