In commemoration with 108th Jayanthi Celebration of His Holiness Jagadguru Tilak Parama Poojya Dr. Shri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji. an awareness talk on Garbha Samskara and Menopause was oraganised with the members of Avani Swa – Sahaya Samuha #132, Jeevan Mukhi, JP Nagar Mysuru, from the Department of PG Studies in Prasooti Tantra and Stree Roga, JSS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru on 26th September 2023, Tuesday.
Dr. Vidya Narayan spoke on Garbha Samskara and its benefits in Pre conception and its importance in Ante natal period. She also spoke about the facilities available at JSS Ayurveda Hospital, Mysuru for pregnancy care and delivery.
Dr. Shruthi M spoke on Menopause, its changes and management through Ayurveda. She also spoke about the facilities in JSS Ayurveda Hospital, Mysuru and distributed the hospital pamphlets.
There was an interactive session after the talk. About twenty five people participated in the program and were benefitted from it.
The program ended by felicitating Dr. Vidya Narayan, ( HOD and Asso. Proff PG Studies in PTSR) Dr. Shruthi. M (Assit. Prof of PG Studies in PTSR) and Dr. Sushma (PG Scholar)