107th Jayanthi Celebrations of His Holiness Jagadguru Dr.Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji

The 107th Jayanthi Mahotsav of Paramapujya Jagadguru Dr. Sri Shivarathri Rajendra Mahaswamiji was held at JSS Ayurveda Hospital, Mysuru, on 12th September, 2022.
Dr. B. Suresh, M.Pharm., Ph.D., D.Sc., Pro Chancellor, JSS Academy of Higher Education & Research was the Chief Guest of the function. In his address, he mentioned about his close association with HH Swamiji. He said that HH was a visionary and he wanted to contribute something very different to the society. Therefore, when he was hardly twelve years, he took up the responsibilities of the Srimath along with his guru Manthra Maharshi Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara Mahaswamiji and completed his education at Kashi. Unlike others, HH had mastered the art of turning every good thought of his into a reality and that was how the education institutions such as Primary Schools, High Schools, PU Colleges, Degree Colleges, Engineering colleges, Medical Colleges, etc. soon followed. He said that HH did not limit himself only to religious activities but responded to the problems of the society as well. He concluded his speech by saying that Maha Swamiji was a compassionate “Leader” as his visionaries and determination is what we are all seeing and experiencing today – “ Great Legacy who contributed in every field to the society”.
Dr. B.Gurubasavaraja, Senior Consultant and Professor, JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru was also one of the dignitaries and guest speaker in the function. He addressed the gathering by sharing his experiences and close association with Mahaswamiji. He mentioned that persons like Swamiji are very rare to be seen as he supported the poor and the downtrodden and provided opportunities to thousands who needed food and shelter.
Dr. Sarbeswar Kar, Principal, JSS Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru, delivered the Presidential Address. He mentioned that Mahaswamiji under aegis of JSS Mahavidyapeetha, began schools and colleges for Jnana Dasoha (education), hostels for Anna Dasoha (boarding and lodging) and hospitals for Arogya Dasoha (health services) that led to all-around social development.
The program began by offering Pushpanjali through Bharatanatya by Kum. Bhoomika Hegde. This was followed by invocation by Kum. Sumedha Bhat and team. Dr. Rajesh A Udapudi, Dean, delivered the Welcome Speech. The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by all the dignitaries. Dr. Deepa C Patil, Professor, JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru presented all the events and reports of the College which were conducted in commemoration of 107th Jayanthi Celebrations. Following this, the prizes were distributed by the dignitaries to all the winners in the field of academics, and cultural activities.
In observance of the Jayanthi celebrations, the book entitled “Text Book of Swasthavritta” by Dr. P.Sudhakar Reddy, HOD and Professor, Dept. of PG Studies in Swasthavritta and Dr. Beena, Dept of PG Studies in Kayachikitsa was released. Dr. P. Sudhakar Reddy spoke about the contents of the book.
Dr. Sandhya Rani rendered the Vote of Thanks. Dr. Aiyanna P.P. was the Master of the ceremony. The function was followed by distribution of Prasada.